WAA Artists’ Galleries &Videos
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Thalia Andrews
I wish and strive to achieve the very best in my artistic career by putting my heart, mind, body and soul into creating inspiring paintings.
Colin Browne
A teacher and university English lecturer for most of his working life, his artistic abilities were mainly directed to theatre productions, in set design, props, posters and masks. He now prefers watercolours for portraits painted from life and landscapes en plein air.
Alan Close
WAA vice-president and tutor Alan is an artist/illustrator with over 40 years experience, and is skilled at teaching all mediums. His favourite subjects include realist painting, figure and portraiture, with styles from impressionism to abstract art.
Fiona McVilly Cox
WAA president and workshop leader Fiona is a versatile and accomplished artist who is passionate about her art and encouraging fellow artists in seeking enjoyment in their creativity. Her gallery of work is evidence of her dedication to explore widely in making art.
Rosemary Price
Rosemary studied art at Swinburne, and was an art teacher in secondary and technical schools. She joined us for our life drawing workshops and enjoys the challenges of portraiture and life drawing. She paints in oils, watercolours and acrylics, and has been a very successful exhibitor at our exhibitions with her work winning a number of prizes.
WAA’s archived galleries of current and former members’ artworks back to 2005
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Even more artwork can be seen on the WAA Artist of the Month pages. Enjoy their creations and read their stories here on our website by clicking the link below or the image at left: