September 2024 Nola Briggs
Like so many, my love of drawing and colour began as
a young child but was never considered more than a
hobby. I would have been in my 30’s when I thought I’d
“have a go” at painting. Started with oils which I did for
a short time as I was offered a part time job, so painting
was put on the backburner.
It would be another 10 years or more when my sister
suggested I try watercolours as she was sure I’d love
it – she was so right.

My first tutor was Joy Brentwood who was doing floras at that time. My first lesson was
autumn leaves. With lots of water on our leaf shapes,
Joy said “just drop in the paint colours and let it do it’s
own thing”.
I’ve been hooked on watercolour ever since and floras
in particular. I have had a number of wonderful tutors
over a range of many years. Some of whom are Bryan
Fitzgerald, Raelene Sharp, Ev Hales (a great influence,
also doing “plein air” with her – terrifying at first) our
own Alan Close and acrylics with Craig Penny. I’ve also
attended workshops and demonstrations. You learn from all these wonderful artists and realise you just keep learning, no matter what age you are.